G4 Válvulas e Microfusão has 100% of the national capital, its differential is the great experience and knowledge of its partners. In search of continuous improvement of its processes to meet the needs of the national and international market, it is implementing its quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ABNT NBR ISO 9001. It has technology the process of microfusion, within international quality levels , Threshold close dimensional tolerance and excellent surface finish.


ISO 9001:2015

This achievement reflects the rigorous quality management system implemented by G4, aligned with international quality standards.

Through ISO 9001 certification, we attest to our ability to meet the needs and expectations of our customers, demonstrating our commitment to excellence and quality in all aspects of our services, always seeking continuous improvement of processes and operational efficiency.

view certificate

Meet G4 Válvulas e Microfusão

What drives our company


Produce and sell the solution in microcast parts, seeking the satisfaction of customers, employees and other interested parties.


Be recognized by customers for the quality of its products and cordiality in the relationship with interested parties.


- Customer satisfaction;
- Quality;
- Partnership with External Providers;
- Appreciation and respect for people.

Numbers that we are proud of

+ 40


+ 30

segments served

+ 80


+ 5

market years